Vocabulary is part and parcel of many competitive exams like SSC, Banks, Railways, GRE, GMAT etc. Here we have tried to showcase the most useful English vocabulary words from competitive exam perspective. So let’s dive into that.
Apathy (n) – behavior that shows no interest or energy and shows that someone is unwilling to take action, especially over something important
# They attributed his failure to apathy, rather than lack of ability.
Syn: torpor, lethargy, sluggishness, listlessness, languor, lassitude, dispassion
Ant: zeal, animation
Note: Apathetic (adj)
Ameliorate (v) – to make a unpleasant situation better
# Police’s intervention is required to ameliorate the situation.
Syn: improve, amend, meliorate, alleviate
Ant: worsen, spoil, impair
Capitulate (v) – to accept defeat, or to give up or give in
# Never capitulate to life and take wrong decision.
Syn: Surrender, bow, succumb, yield
Ant: Withstand
Note: Capitulation (n) || Recapitulate means to briefly summarize and repeat the main points; capitulate means to surrender under agreed conditions
Restoration (n) – to get back to previous position or return to original owner
# Restoration of your system is now complete.
Syn: Recovery, reinstatement, restitution
Ant: Withholding
Note: Restore (v)
Disseminate (v) – to spread sth like news, information, ideas, etc., to a lot of people
# This notice must be disseminated within one hour – use our social handle of Twitter and Facebook.
Syn: scatter, disperse, broadcast, diffuse, circulate, propagate
Ant: withhold, withdraw, unite, gather
Note: Dissemination (n)
Annex (v) – seize; capture
Annex (n) – a building which is an addition to an existing building. Read more on annex
Syn: Append, take over
Ant: withdraw, diminish, deduct
Note: Annexe (n), British English — Annexure (n) — Annexation (n)
Calamity (n) – a disaster
# Emergency measures may be necessary in order to avert a calamity.
Syn: Disaster, catastrophe, tragedy
Ant: windfall, provision, necessity
Aversion (n) – a feeling of strong dislike or unwillingness to do something
# She has a deep aversion to getting up early.
Syn: hostility, dislike, distaste, abhorrence, abomination, allergy, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, detestation
Ant: willingness, readiness, liking, affection, care, fondness
Note: Averse (adj)
Constituent (n & adj) – being a part of a whole
# Constituent assembly.
Syn: Division, elemental, integral
Ant: Whole
Note: Constitute (v) — Constitution (n) — Constituency (n) — Constitutional (adj)
Destitute (adj) – with no money, food, a home, or possessions
# The floods left thousands of people destitute.
Syn: Down and out, wanting, bereft, depleted, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, poverty-stricken
Ant: well provided, well to do, lucky, prosperous
Note: Destitution (n)

Vigour (n) – strength, energy, or enthusiasm
# Utilize your vigour and prove the world you can also succeed.
Syn: Power, strength
Ant: Weakness, sickness
Note: Vigorous (adj)
Efficacy (n) – the ability to produce a desired or intended result
# I doubt on efficacy of him as a project lead.
Syn: force, energy, virtue, potency, competency
Ant: weakness, impotence, incompetency
Note: Efficacious (adj)
Fortify (v) – to strengthen something, esp. in order to protect it
# India has to fortify its army in the borders.
Syn: secure, strengthen, brace, encourage, entrench
Ant: weaken, discourage, unnerve
Vehement (adj) – expressing strong feelings, or shown by strong feelings or great energy or force
# Despite vehement opposition from her family, she quit school and became an actress.
Syn: Violent, boisterous
Ant: Weak, cold, lean
Note: Vehemence (n)
Ascetic (adj) – abstinence due to religious reasons
# They live a very ascetic life.
Syn: austere, abstinent, abstaining, abstemious
Ant: wanton, self-indulgent
Impregnable (adj) – unconquerable
# An impregnable fortress.
Syn: Invincible, firm, fortified, impenetrable
Ant: vulnerable
Novice (n) – a beginner
# Conducted himself in politics like a novice.
Syn: tyro, neophyte, inductee
Ant: virtuoso
Note: According to knowledge level, novice<expert<master/pro
Turpitude (n) – depraved or wicked behaviour or character
# Acts of moral turpitude
Syn: Wickedness, depravity, vice, degeneracy
Ant: Virtue, honour
Pacific (adj) – peaceful
# The pacific war.
Syn: gentle
Ant: Violent, hostile
Solace (v) – to give comfort to in grief or misfortune: console
# solace grief.
Syn: Console, comfort, peace
Ant: Vex, pain, irritation
Note: solace (n)
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