English Vocabulary for SSC, GRE, GMAT etc. – Part 2

Vocabulary is part and parcel of many competitive exams like SSC, Banks, Railways, GRE, GMAT etc. Here we have tried to showcase the most useful English vocabulary words from competitive exam perspective. So let’s dive into that.

Abbreviations used in this blog are as follows: –

n â€“ noun
v â€“ verb
adv â€“ adverb
adj â€“ adjective
prep â€“ preposition
int â€“ interjection

sb â€“ somebody
sth â€“ something
Syn – Synonyms
Ant – Antonyms

Laconic (adj) â€“ saying much in few words
# A laconic reply that spoke volumes.
Syn: concise, pithy, terse, succinct, taciturn, reticent
Ant: verbose, prolix, redundant, diffuse, tautological, turgid, garrulous, voluble

Prevaricate (v) – to speak in a way that is intentionally not clear and confusing to other people, especially to hide the truth
# He accused the minister of prevaricating.
Syn: quibble, equivocate, beat around the bush
Ant: veracity, verity
Note: Prevarication (n)

Futility (n) – pointlessness
Syn: Uselessness, vanity, worthlessness
Ant: Utility, advantage, profitability
Note: Futile (adj)

Rustic (adj) – relating to village or rural life
Syn: Rural, simple, rude, clownish
Ant: Urbane, polished

Rancid (adj) – (of food containing a fat such as butter or oil) tasting or smelling unpleasant because it is not fresh
Syn: Tainted, sour
Ant: Untainted, sweet
Note: Rancidity (n)

Sane (adj) – 1. (of a person) of sound mind; not mad or mentally ill
2. reasonable or sensible
# Hard work kept me sane.
Syn: Sound, healthy, sensible, reasonable
Ant: Unsound, confused, unreasonable, insane

Cloying (adj) – 1. too sweet and therefore unpleasant
2. too good or kind, or expressing feelings of love in a way that is not sincere
# He criticized the cloying sentimentality of the politician.
Syn: Drippy, mushy, saccharine, sappy
Ant: Unsentimental

Scrupulous (adj) – extremely careful, thorough, and attentive to details; meticulous
# Be scrupulous what you take from social media.
Syn: Careful, diligent, painstaking
Ant: unscrupulous

Savoury (adj-UK) [US savory] – 1. savoury food is salty or spicy and not sweet in taste
2. if you say that something is not savoury, you mean that it is not pleasant or socially acceptable
# a savoury dish/sauce/flavour
# savoury dumplings/pancakes

Syn: Tasty, palatable, spicy
Ant: Unsavoury, tasteless

Taciturn (adj) – less speaking person
# He’s a reserved, taciturn person.
# He was always quiet, reserved, and taciturn.

Syn: Close, reticent, uncommunicative
Ant: Unreserved, chatty, garrulous, loquacious, talkative, voluble

English Vocabulary - part 2

Lucrative (adj) – attractive in terms of money
# Joining to that MNC is definitely a lucrative offer.
Syn: Profitable, paying
Ant: Unprofitable, losing
Note: Lucrativeness (n)

Prolific (adj) – producing huge amount of something
# He was probably the most prolific songwriter of his generation.
Syn: Productive, fruitful
Ant: Unproductive, barren
Note: Proliferation (n)

Jaundiced (adj) – showing negative feelings of sth
# a jaundiced eye
# He has a jaundiced view of life.

Syn: Biased, prejudiced, distrustful
Ant: Unprejudiced, unbiased, trusting, confident

Vogue (n) – a fashion or general liking, especially one that is temporary
Syn: Fashion, usage, trend
Ant: Unpopular, outdated

Palatable (adj) – 1. good to eat
2. agreeable
Syn: Tasty, appetizing
Ant: Unpalatable, tasteless

Dainty (adj) – 1. small, delicate, and pretty
2. pleasing to the taste (read more)
# A small dainty pink flower.
# a dainty morsel

Syn: delicious, palatable, nice, delicate, neat
Ant: unpalatable, inelegant, uncritical
Note:  daintily  (adv)

Obtrusive (adj) – noticeable in a way that is unpleasant or unwanted
# He made himself obnoxiously obtrusive.
Syn: intrusive, aggressive
Ant: unobtrusive
Note: Obtrude (v)

Incumbent (n) – an officeholder
Incumbent (adj) – obligatory
# The incumbent in an election.
# felt it incumbent to reply.

Syn: mandatory, imperative, binding, compelling
Ant: Unnecessary, non-compulsory

Alienate (v) – 1. make (someone) feel isolated or estranged
2. make (someone) become unsympathetic or hostile
# An urban environment which would alienate its inhabitants
Syn: estrange, isolate, detach, distance, transfer, desolation
Ant: unite, reconcile, recover
Note: Alien (n) — Alienation (n)

Rupture (v, n) – to (cause something to) explode, break, or tear
# While riding on bike her jeans raptured and creates a awkward moment for her.
Syn: Breach, break
Ant: Union, attachment

English Vocabulary Series

Part 1 —– Part 2 —– Part 3 —– Part 4

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