Module 7 Quiz Answers

NITTT Module 7 Quiz Answers for 2023 (Oct-Nov) Session

Graded Assessment I, 7-10 Oct., 2023

Due on 2023-10-10, 23:59 IST.

1. The process of sensing gaps or disturbing elements, framing of hypotheses concerning them, testing these hypotheses and communicating the results and possibly modifying and retesting the hypotheses is referred to as:

  • Creative problem solving
  • Innovation
  • Applied research
  • Action research

Accepted Answers:
Creative problem solving

2. The ability to discontinue the existing pattern of thought and shift to new pattern of thought is referred to as:

  • Originality
  • Elaboration
  • Flexibility
  • Fluency

Accepted Answers:

3. Ability to generate meaningful associations with the idea is referred to as:

  • Ideational fluency
  • Expressional fluency
  • Adaptive flexibility
  • Associational fluency

Accepted Answers:
Associational fluency

4. Which of the following is a focusing technique?

  • Imagery track
  • Evaluation matrix
  • Synectics
  • Brain writing

Accepted Answers:
Evaluation matrix

5. As per Thompson, adopting new ideas from outside the organization to implement change in the management system is referred to as:

  • Product innovation
  • Service innovation
  • Creative innovation
  • Adoptive innovation

Accepted Answers:
Adoptive innovation

6. Which stage in the process of innovation involves selection of potential innovative idea as per the organizational policy, structure, resources etc.

  • Idea generation and mobilization
  • Advocacy and screening
  • Experimentation
  • Commercialization

Accepted Answers:
Advocacy and screening

7. The team starts producing the results after:

  • Constitution of team
  • After specifying the norms and standards of performance
  • After assigning individual responsibilities
  • After formal adjournment

Accepted Answers:
After specifying the norms and standards of performance

8. As per research, the productivity of a team decreases with:

  • Leader who walks the talk
  • Creativity of members
  • Commitment of members
  • Large size of the team and multiple sites

Accepted Answers:
Large size of the team and multiple sites

9. In a team, sense of belongingness and togetherness determines:

  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Cohesion
  • Clarity of purpose

Accepted Answers:

10. The new approach to designing, producing & marketing goods that give an advantage to the company over the competitors is referred to as:

  • Creativity
  • Creative problem solving
  • Innovation
  • Education research

Accepted Answers:

Graded Assessment II 14-17 Oct., 2023

Due on 2023-10-17, 23:59 IST.

1. The first step in the process of research is to:

  • Collect data
  • Select and define a research problem
  • Select research design & describe research procedure
  • Analysis of Data

Accepted Answers:
Select and define a research problem

2. Research involves:

  • Inductive reasoning
  • Deductive reasoning
  • Both inductive & deductive reasoning
  • Neither inductive nor deductive reasoning

Accepted Answers:
Both inductive & deductive reasoning

3. Selecting and developing measuring instruments is undertaken at the stage of:

  • Selecting & defining a research problem
  • Selecting research design & describing research procedure
  • Collecting data
  • Analysing data

Accepted Answers:
Selecting research design & describing research procedure

4. The purpose of basic research is to:

  • Generate new knowledge
  • Find solutions to the real-life problem
  • Find solution to the problem faced by a practitioner
  • Determine the worth of programmes, policies, etc.

Accepted Answers:
Generate new knowledge

5. Which of the following types of research is based on method of research?

  • Action research
  • Applied research
  • Correlation research
  • Evaluation research

Accepted Answers:
Correlation research

6. Which of the following sources of information is a preliminary source of information?

  • Dictionary of Construction, Surveying and Civil Engineering
  • Journal of Structural Engineering
  • India Skill Report 2023
  • Thesis titled “User Friendly Model of Degrading Ground Water Pollution Plume”

Accepted Answers:
Dictionary of Construction, Surveying and Civil Engineering

7. The first step in the process of review of literature is to:

  • Identify sources of information
  • Identify the key words
  • Abstracting the information
  • Synthesising the review of related literature

Accepted Answers:
Identify the key words

8. Which of the following Boolean operations can be used to narrow down the search for literature?

  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT
  • AND & NOT

Accepted Answers:

9. Which of the following is a secondary source of information?

  • Index
  • Handbook
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Research based Conference paper

Accepted Answers:

10. The purpose of correlation research is to:

  • Describe the existing conditions, processes, opinions etc.
  • Study the relationship between two or more than two variables
  • Establish tentative cause and effect relationship
  • Establish true cause and effect relationship

Accepted Answers:
Study the relationship between two or more than two variables

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Graded Assessment III Due on 24.10.2023

Due on 2023-10-24, 23:59 IST.

1. Which of the following questions can be best answered by undertaking Survey research?

  • What are the qualifications and experience of faculty members of technical institutions in Haryana?
  • What is the effect of structured industrial training on the job specific skills of students of final year of Mechanical Engineering in the State of UP?
  • How do teachers of a top ranking institution in NIRF engage their learners in classrooms?
  • What is the weightage given to various levels of learning outcomes in the cognitive domain in the last five years question papers of final year of Civil Engineering of a University?

Accepted Answers:
What are the qualifications and experience of faculty members of technical institutions in Haryana?

2. Which of the following questions can be best answered by undertaking content analysis research?

  • What are the qualifications and experience of faculty members of technical institutions in Haryana?
  • What is the effect of structured industrial training on the job specific skills of students of final year of Mechanical Engineering in the State of UP?
  • How do teachers of a top ranking institution in NIRF engage their students in classrooms?
  • What is the weightage given to various levels of learning outcomes in the cognitive domain in the last five years question papers of final year of Civil Engineering of a University?

Accepted Answers:
What is the weightage given to various levels of learning outcomes in the cognitive domain in the last five years question papers of final year of Civil Engineering of a University?

3. Which of the following questions can be best answered by undertaking Case study research?

  • What are the qualifications and experience of faculty members of technical institutions in Haryana?
  • What is the effect of structured industrial training on the job specific skills of students of final year of Mechanical Engineering in the State of UP?
  • How do teachers of a top ranking institution in NIRF engage their learners in classrooms?
  • What is the weightage given to various levels of learning outcomes in the cognitive domain in the last five years question papers of final year of Civil Engineering of a University?

Accepted Answers:
How do teachers of a top ranking institution in NIRF engage their learners in classrooms?

4. Census conducted every ten year is an example of:

  • Case study research
  • Longitudinal Study
  • Population survey
  • Sample survey

Accepted Answers:
Population survey

5. Which of the following is the objective of Survey research?

  • To study the perceptions of teachers and students towards multi-disciplinary education.
  • To identify the strategies adopted by teachers of a top ranking institution in NIRF to increase student engagement in classrooms.
  • To determine the weightages given to various levels of learning outcomes in the last five years papers of civil engineering of a University.
  • To study the relationship between autonomous status of institutions and the pass percentage of students from various courses.

Accepted Answers:
To study the perceptions of teachers and students towards multi-disciplinary education.

6. Which of the following is an example of Directional Hypothesis?

  • Girls show significantly higher Communication Effectiveness than boys.
  • There is no significant difference in the communication effectiveness of boys and girls.
  • There is a significant difference in the communication effectiveness of girls and boys.
  • There is no significant effect of structured industrial training on the job specific skills of Mechanical Engineering students.

Accepted Answers:
Girls show significantly higher Communication Effectiveness than boys.

7. Which of the following is an example of Non-Directional Hypothesis?

  • Girls show significantly higher Communication Effectiveness than boys.
  • There is no significant difference in the communication effectiveness of boys and girls.
  • There is a significant difference in the communication effectiveness of girls and boys.
  • There is no significant effect of structured industrial training on the job specific skills of Mechanical Engineering students.

Accepted Answers:
There is a significant difference in the communication effectiveness of girls and boys.

8. Which of the following is an example of Null Hypothesis?

  • Girls show significantly higher Communication Effectiveness than boys.
  • There is no significant difference in the communication effectiveness of boys and girls.
  • There is a significant difference in the communication effectiveness of girls and boys.
  • There is significant effect of structured industrial training on the job specific skills of Mechanical Engineering students.

Accepted Answers:
There is no significant difference in the communication effectiveness of boys and girls.

9. Which of the following questions cannot be answered through research?

  • Religious
  • Ethical
  • Philosophical
  • All of the above

Accepted Answers:
All of the above

10. Hypothesis is NOT:

  • Verifiable
  • Stated in statement form
  • Tentative solution to the problem
  • Stated in question form

Accepted Answers:
Stated in question form

Graded Assessment IV. Due on 1.11.2023

Due on 2023-11-01, 23:59 IST.

1. The purpose of correlation research is to:

  • Determine the relationship between two or more than two variables
  • Predict a criterion variable on the basis of predictors
  • Both (1) & (2)
  • Neither (1) Nor (2)

Accepted Answers:
Both (1) & (2)

2. Correlation can assume value between:

  • -1.00 to +1.00
  • 0 to +1
  • -1.0 to 0
  • -.05 to +.05

Accepted Answers:
-1.00 to +1.00

3. In a study on” Predicting job success on the basis of technical skills and communication skills and to work in teams”, the criterion variable is:

  • Communication skills
  • Job success
  • Ability to work in teams
  • Technical skills

Accepted Answers:
Job success

4. Which one of the following is a non-directional hypothesis for a correlation study?

  • There is no significant difference in the emotional intelligence of first, second and third year students of Computer Science & Engineering.
  • There is no significant effect of blended learning on the achievement of students of mechanical engineering.
  • There is significant relationship between age and the attitude towards technology.
  • Pre-service training has no significant effect on teaching effectiveness of teachers working in Polytechnics.

Accepted Answers:
There is significant relationship between age and the attitude towards technology. 

5. Which of the following statements indicates positive relationship between qualification and teaching effectiveness?

  • Higher the qualification, higher is the teaching effectiveness.
  • Higher the qualification, lower is the teaching effectiveness.
  • With a change in qualification, there is no change in teaching effectiveness.
  • There is no effect of qualification on teaching effectiveness.

Accepted Answers:
Higher the qualification, higher is the teaching effectiveness.

6. Both cause and effect has already occurred in case of:

  • Experimental research
  • Ex-post Facto research
  • Correlation research
  • Case study research

Accepted Answers:
Ex-post Facto research

7. In ex-post Facto research, the researcher CANNOT:

  • Manipulate dependent variable
  • Manipulate independent variable
  • Collect data on independent variable
  • Collect data on dependent variable

Accepted Answers:
Manipulate independent variable

8. Ex-post Facto research differs from the experimental research w.r.t:

  • Independent variable cannot be manipulated
  • Random selection of groups cannot be done
  • Random assignment of treatment cannot be done
  • All of the above

Accepted Answers:
All of the above

9. Tentative cause and effect relationships can be established between more than one independent variable and dependent variable in case of:

  • Descriptive research
  • Correlation research
  • Experimental research
  • Ex-post Facto research

Accepted Answers:
Ex-post Facto research

10. Which of the following studies will use Ex-post Facto design?

  • Effect of qualification, experience and pre-service training on the teaching effectiveness of teachers.
  • Effect of three different training strategies on the problem-solving and creativity of teachers.
  • Qualification, Experience and Pre-Service training as predictors of teaching effectiveness of teachers.
  • Qualification, Experience & Teaching Effectiveness of teachers working in technical institutions of MP.

Accepted Answers:
Effect of qualification, experience and pre-service training on the teaching effectiveness of teachers.

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Graded Assessment V Due on 8 Nov..2023

Due on 2023-11-08, 23:59 IST.

1. Which of the following is applicable in case of an experimental research?

  • Independent variable is manipulated
  • Random selection of the groups is done
  • Random assignment of treatment is done
  • All of the above

Accepted Answers:
All of the above

2. When a researcher uses intact groups as experimental and control group, the research is referred to as:

  • Ex-post Facto research
  • Correlation research
  • Quasi experimental research
  • Pseudo experimental research

Accepted Answers:
Quasi experimental research

3. In a study on: “Effect of rubrics on the inter-rater reliability of the assessment of communication skills & creativity of students and student satisfaction”, the independent variable is:

  • Rubrics
  • Inter-rater reliability
  • Communication skills
  • Student satisfaction

Accepted Answers:

4. Which of the following research design will yield more reliable results?

  • Post test only one group design
  • Pretest Post-test control group design
  • Pretest Post test one group design
  • Quasi experimental design

Accepted Answers:
Pretest Post-test control group design

5. Replication of an experimental study in different settings will affect its:

  • Internal validity
  • External validity
  • Inter-rater reliability
  • Intra-rater reliability

Accepted Answers:
External validity

6. Control of extraneous variables in an experimental research will improve its:

  • External validity
  • Inter-rater reliability
  • Internal validity
  • Intra-rater reliability

Accepted Answers:
Internal validity

7. Action research is:

  • Participatory
  • Collaborative
  • Context specific
  • All of the above

Accepted Answers:
All of the above

8. Which of the following is applicable in case of an action research?

  • Extraneous variables can be controlled
  • Random allocation of treatment to groups is done
  • Sample for the study is selected randomly
  • Practitioner is involved in the research

Accepted Answers:
Practitioner is involved in the research

9. In analyzing video-based lectures, action researcher should:

  • Allow focusing themes to emerge as the video lectures are viewed
  • Focus only on their own communication in the video-based lectures
  • Select focusing themes before viewing
  • Verify the video-based lectures from disinterested third party

Accepted Answers:
Select focusing themes before viewing

10. Action research aims at:

  • Generating new knowledge in the discipline
  • Testing the theory in the field setting
  • Evaluating programmes, policies etc.
  • Solving a classroom problem faced by a teacher

Accepted Answers:
Solving a classroom problem faced by a teacher

Graded Assessment VI due on 15.11.2023

Due on 2023-11-15, 23:59 IST.

1. Assume that you are conducting a study on the Industry and there are cities in the state where there is high concentration of industry and there are cities where there is less concentration of industry. Which of the following sampling technique would you prefer to select a sample for the study?

  • Simple random sampling
  • Purposive sampling
  • Quota sampling
  • Cluster sampling

Accepted Answers:
Cluster sampling

2. If the population consists of three different age groups i.e., below 25 years, 25-45 years and 45-65 years and the number is 200, 150 and 250 respectively. You intend to select a sample of 300   using proportionate random sampling technique. The number selected in each category will be:

  • 100, 100, 100
  • 100, 75, 125
  • 75, 100, 125
  • 125, 100, 75

Accepted Answers:
100, 75, 125

3. As a teacher, you want to collect data for your research study from the four institutions in your city, out of which two are Government and two are self -financed institutions, The student population consists of male and female students of first to fourth year of study. Which of the following technique of sampling would you use?

  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified random sampling
  • Systematic random sampling
  • Cluster sampling

Accepted Answers:
Stratified random sampling

4. If you do not have information about the trained electricians in the villages of a district, but only have one or two references from someone, the sampling technique preferred will be:

  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified random sampling
  • Snow ball sampling
  • Quota sampling

Accepted Answers:
Snow ball sampling

5. Which of the following is not a probability sampling technique?

  • Simple random sampling
  • Systematic sampling
  • Snowball sampling
  • Stratified random sampling

Accepted Answers:
Snowball sampling

6. The process to arrive at questions /items   for a questionnaire involves writing:

  • Purpose of the study
  • Research questions
  • Criterion questions
  • All of the above

Accepted Answers:
All of the above

7. If you are interested in collecting data on how students are engaged by teachers in the classrooms, the measuring instrument you will prefer a/an:

  • Interviews
  • Questionnaire
  • Observation schedule
  • Standardized Test

Accepted Answers:
Observation schedule

8. If you are interested in collecting data regarding the enrolment and pass percentages of boys and girls in various courses offered in a state, you will prefer a/an:

  • Interviews
  • Questionnaire
  • Observation schedule
  • Standardized Test

Accepted Answers:

9. The characteristics of standardized tests include:

  • Reliability
  • Validity
  • Norms
  • All of the above

Accepted Answers:
All of the above

10. To validate the information collected through questionnaire, a researcher can:

  • Take interview of selected sample
  • Make Observations of the ongoing processes
  • Both (I) & (II)
  • Neither (I) Nor (II)

Accepted Answers:
Both (I) & (II)

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Graded Assessment VII Due on 23.11.2023

Due on 2023-11-23, 23:59 IST.

1. The key elements included in the funding proposal include:

  • Rationale for the study
  • Financial resources required
  • Methods & Procedure
  • All of the above

Accepted Answers:
All of the above

2. If you have data in terms of number of institutions in urban and rural area, Co-educational and girls, the data is available on a /an:

  • Nominal scale
  • Ordinal scale
  • Interval scale
  • Ratio scale

Accepted Answers:
Nominal scale

3. Research proposal for doctoral work does NOT include:

  • Review of related Literature
  • Methodology for undertaking the study
  • Research questions
  • Financial resources required

Accepted Answers:
Financial resources required

4. In case you have scores of your students out of 100 in Class Test I, the data is available on a/an:

  • Nominal scale
  • Ordinal scale
  • Interval scale
  • Ratio scale

Accepted Answers:
Interval scale

5. In case you are interested in finding out most frequently occurring score in the class test II, you will calculate:

  • Mean
  • Median
  • Mode
  • Range

Accepted Answers:

6. If a Company has selected ten students in campus interviews and you are interested in determining the relationship between the scores obtained by selected students in written test and the interview, you would prefer:

  • Rank order correlation
  • Point Bi-serial correlation
  • Chi square
  • Bi-serial correlation

Accepted Answers:
Rank order correlation

7. If the class mean achievement score is 65 and SD is 10. As per the normal distribution, how many cases would lie between the scores of 45 and 85

  • 68.26 %
  • 34.13%
  • 95.44%
  • 99.72%

Accepted Answers:

8. The total area of normal probability curve covers:

  • 68.26 %
  • 34.13%
  • 95.44%
  • 99.72%

Accepted Answers:

9. For which of the following hypotheses, you will use two- tailed t-test?

  • There are no significant differences in the mean achievement score of male and female students in the course on Soil Mechanics.
  • There are significant differences in the communication skills of students from rural and urban areas
  • Significant differences exist in the ability to work in teams of boys and girls.
  • All of the above

Accepted Answers:
All of the above

10. Research proposal consists of:

  • Introduction
  • Review of related literature
  • Methodology
  • All of the above

Accepted Answers:
All of the above

Graded assessment VIII Due on 29.11.2023

Due on 2023-11-29, 23:59 IST.

1. Which of the following is NOT a major section of a research report?

  • Introduction
  • Review of related Literature
  • Methods and Procedure
  • Annexure

Accepted Answers:

2. Which of the following provides a gist of your research study in the research report?

  • Acknowledgements
  • Abstract
  • Review of Related Literature
  • Analysis & Interpretation of Results

Accepted Answers:

3. The criteria for evaluation of the measuring tools in the research report should include:

  • Reliability
  • Validity
  • Both reliability & validity
  • Neither reliability nor validity

Accepted Answers:
Both reliability & validity

4. Preliminary section of the research report includes:

  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Table of Illustrations
  • All of the above

Accepted Answers:
All of the above

5. While writing a research report, you will consider:

  • Audience of the report
  • Purpose of the report
  • Research questions
  • All of the above

Accepted Answers:
All of the above

6. Which of the following may NOT be a consideration for delimiting the review of related literature?

  • Findings
  • The period for which review is conducted
  • Specifying the context
  • Specifying the design of the study

Accepted Answers:

7. The criteria for evaluation of Analysis of Data and Interpretation of Results should include:

  • Accuracy of gaps identified
  • Accuracy of interpretation of results
  • Accuracy in defining terms
  • Adequacy of sample

Accepted Answers:
Accuracy of interpretation of results

8. Which one of the following is NOT the aspect of evaluation of Review of Related literature?

  • Statistical techniques to be used
  • Literature
  • Gaps in research
  • Conclusions

Accepted Answers:
Statistical techniques to be used

9. Researchability is one of the parameters of evaluation in case of:

  • Sample
  • Statistical techniques
  • Analysis of data
  • Statement of research problem

Accepted Answers:
Statement of research problem

10. ‘Suggestions for further research’ is a part of:

  • Analysis of Data
  • Introduction
  • References
  • Summary & Conclusions

Accepted Answers:
Summary & Conclusions

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