Module 4 Previous Year Questions

NITTT Module 4 Question Paper 2022 July

Module 4 Previous Year Questions:


1) For the development of practical skills, the correct sequence of steps is………

A) Show-how, know, know-how, does

B) Know, know-how, show how, does

C) Know-how, know, does, show how

D) Know, show how, does, know-how

Answer Key:

B) Know, know-how, show how, does

2) The development of rubrics for an experiment requires

(A) Key activities in the experiment

(B) Different Levels of performance

(C) Description of different levels of performance

(D) Mention of other related experiments

A) (A), (B), (C) and (D)

B) (A), (B) and (C) Only

C) (A), (C) and (D) only

D) (B) and (C) Only

Answer Key:

B) (A), (B) and (C) Only

3) Identify the incorrect statement for a panel discussion.

A) It is a small group discussion.

B) It develops higher-order thinking skills

C) It primarily develops writing skills

D) It develops reflective skills

Answer Key:

C) It primarily develops writing skills

4) Given below are two statements:

Statement 1: The taxonomy table is a representation of Krathwohl’s Taxonomy of Affective domain

Statement 2: The taxonomy table is a representation of revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of the cognitive domain

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

Answer Key:

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

5) Asking students about their concepts of internal and external diameter, depth and height, before demonstrating the use of vernier calliper is an example of…….

A) gaining students’ attention.

B) assessing their performance.

C) stimulating recall of their prior learning.

D) guiding the learning process.

Answer Key:

C) stimulating recall of their prior learning.

6) To keep your students alert in the class, which material will you prefer to distribute during the session?

A) Complete notes type handout

B) Note-taking handout

C) Laboratory sheet

D) Field-based assignment

Answer Key:

B) Note-taking handout

7) The teacher may create a Podcast by recording and editing his/ her voice using open source software such as…

A) Adobe Audition

B) Avid Pro Tools

C) Blender

D) Audacity

Answer Key:

D) Audacity

8) A relationship between two or more concepts is defined as…………

A) law or principle

B) factual information

C) procedure

D) metacognition

Answer Key:

A) law or principle

9) SWAYAM is an acronym for …….

A) Self-Way of Active-Learning for Youth Aspiring Minds

B) Study Webs of Active-Learning for Youthful Aspirant Minds

C) Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds

D) Self-Way of Active-Learning for Youthful Aspirant Minds

Answer Key:

C) Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds

10) Lack of self-confidence in teachers may be indicated by……

A) keeping body posture upright

B) maintaining a fairly high tone of voice

C) moderate smile and free movement

D) looking towards the roof or away from students frequently

Answer Key:

D) looking towards the roof or away from students frequently

11) Curriculum analysis at the micro-level or topic level helps the teacher to……

(A) identify facts, concepts, principles, procedures, applications and their sequence

(B) plan and arrange for the resources needed, in advance

(C) design relevant assessment tools

(D) design relevant instructional media

Choose the correct answer from the options:

A) (A), (B) and (C) Only

B) (B), (C) and (D) Only

C) (C) and (D) Only

D) (A), (B), (C) and (D)

Answer Key:

D) (A), (B), (C) and (D)

12) Role Play method of learning is…..

A) based on the scripted drama with defined roles of characters

B) based on the experience of the teacher

C) based on the situation of the world of work and related characters

D) based on the discussion on a particular theme

Answer Key:

C) based on the situation of the world of work and related characters

13) As per dual-channel assumption, for better learning, any instructional media should have ………

A) visual-pictorial material only

B) auditory-verbal material only

C) text, video, visual, questions, animation, quizzes

D) both auditory-verbal and visual-pictorial material

Answer Key:

D) both auditory-verbal and visual-pictorial material

14) The student’s ability evaluated through the group discussion is……

A) argue with others on a theme

B) lead others as a leader

C) converse with others on the given topic

D) control other group members

Answer Key:

C) converse with others on the given topic

15) Given below are two statements:

Statement 1: In blended learning, in-class activities and off-the-class activities are reversed

Statement 2: In blended learning traditional classroom learning is integrated with technology-based learning.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

Answer Key:

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

16) In ICT-based assessment ……… is NOT a potential problem.

A) Impersonality

B) Automation

C) Cheating

D) Accessibility

Answer Key:

B) Automation

17) Before or during a session, ask some simple questions so that the students can answer them correctly and then say, “well done”. This is according to the …

A) principle of readiness

B) principle of effect

C) principle of intensity

D) principle of exercise

Answer Key:

B) principle of effect

18) Curriculum analysis ensures alignment among ……

A) Programme outcomes, course outcomes, unit outcomes, and session outcomes

B) Session learning outcomes, instructional methods, instructional media

C) Learning in the cognitive domain, psychomotor domain and affective domain

D) Topic, subtopics, practical activity and project work

Answer Key:

A) Programme outcomes, course outcomes, unit outcomes, and session outcomes

19) Given below are two statements:

Statement 1: The concept map or the mind map helps the teacher to identify factual information, concepts, rules, laws, and procedures related to the topic.

Statement 2: Concept maps can be used as a learning as well as an evaluation tool.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

Answer Key:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

20) Developing a computer program is a part of………

A) metacognitive knowledge

B) factual knowledge

C) conceptual knowledge

D) procedural knowledge

Answer Key:

C) conceptual knowledge

21) Choose example/s of a concrete concept out of the following.

(A) The gravitational force on a falling body

(B) Cut section model used in the classroom for teaching.

(C) The flow of electrons through a conducting wire

(D) Interactive display board used in the classroom.

A) (A), (B) and (C) Only

B) (A), (B), (C) and (D)

C) (B), (C) and (D) Only

D) (B) and (D) Only

Answer Key:

D) (B) and (D) Only

22) Which of the following principle of learning is used in role play?

A) learning by creating

B) learning by giving feedback

C) learning by performing

D) learning by writing about the role

Answer Key:

C) learning by performing

23) In any instructional media, it is recommended to keep the visual and verbal components as near as possible, this is as per the ………….

A) Temporal Contiguity Principle

B) Multimedia Principle

C) Spatial Contiguity Principle

D) Coherence Principle

Answer Key:

C) Spatial Contiguity Principle

24) Given below are two statements:

Statement 1: Remembering and understanding are the Lower-level cognitive skills.

Statement 2: Higher-level cognitive skills include organizing and articulation.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

Answer Key:

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

25) The “virtual labs” available on NPTEL Portal are a good resource for…..

A) developing psychomotor skills in the students

B) organising group discussion on advantages of laboratory

C) providing simulated practical experiences to the students

D) giving demonstration by the teacher in the classroom

Answer Key:

C) providing simulated practical experiences to the students

26) The purpose of developing and implementing the session plan is to……

A) document the teaching-learning process for classroom or laboratory sessions.

B) ensure effective implementation of the teaching learning process

C) organize various elements of the teaching-learning process systematically to achieve intended learning outcomes

D) Prepare students systematically for their final examination.

Answer Key:

C) organize various elements of the teaching-learning process systematically to achieve intended learning outcomes

27) Summative assessment can be done …..

A) after every small teaching act

B) at the end of a course only

C) after every lecture session only

D) after every unit only

Answer Key:

B) at the end of a course only

28) Stimulate recall of prior learning is essential to……

A) connect new content with already known content

B) bring all the learners to the same level.

C) select the starting point of a new topic.

D) do all the above activities for better learning.

Answer Key:

D) do all the above activities for better learning.

29) Given below are two statements:

Statement 1: Verbalism support communication

Statement 2: Referent confusion is a barrier to communication

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

Answer Key:

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

30) The most important factors for selecting an instructional method are ……….

(A) students entry-level

(B) availability of teachers

(C) instructional resources

(D) date and time of the session

(E) learning outcomes

A) (A), (B) and (D) Only

B) (A), (C) and (E) only

C) (B), and (D) Only

D) (C), (D) and (E) Only

Answer Key:

B) (A), (C) and (E) only

31) Instructional strategies are classified as

(A) Teacher-centred strategy

(B) Self-centred strategy

(C) Mixed strategy

(D) Student-centred strategy

A) (A), (B) and (D) Only

B) (C) and (D) Only

C) (A) and (B) only

D) (A), (C) and (D) Only

Answer Key:

D) (A), (C) and (D) Only

32) Which of the following is the role of the teacher in blended learning?

A) Facilitator.

B) Mentor.

C) Guide.

D) Class administrator.

Answer Key:

A) Facilitator.

33) Given below are two statements:

Statement 1: Tutorial is an interaction between the teacher and student(s), primarily on a one-to-one basis to solve learning problems.

Statement 2: The tutorial is a fully teacher-centred method.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

Answer Key:

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

34) A three-dimensional, computer-generated learning environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person is called…….

A) virtual reality

B) virtual game

C) mixed reality

D) augmented reality

Answer Key:

A) virtual reality

35) The subtractive Color model used in colour printing is………

A) Red-Green-Blue model

B) Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key model

C) Red-Yellow-Blue model

D) Orange-Green-Brown model

Answer Key:

B) Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key model

36) Preparing and using computer-based presentations with visuals, animations, and video in the classroom saves…

(A) Learning time of students

(B) Course planning time

(C) Instructional time of teachers

(D) Student’s assessment time

A) (A), and (C) only

B) (A), (B), and (C) only

C) (A), (C) and (D) only

D) (A), (B), (C), (D)

Answer Key:

A) (A), and (C) only

37) The completion type handout is preferred to be given to students…….

A) at the starting of the classroom session

B) as a home assignment

C) towards the end of the classroom session

D) at any time during the classroom session

Answer Key:

C) towards the end of the classroom session

38) The focus of the psychomotor domain of learning outcomes is to develop ………

A) attitudes, interests and soft skills

B) intellectual and analytical skills

C) brain and body part coordination skills

D) social and cognitive skills

Answer Key:

C) brain and body part coordination skills

39) The fishbowl technique is used in……

A) role play

B) educational game

C) seminars

D) group discussion

Answer Key:

D) group discussion

40) Which of the following is suitable for the development of procedural knowledge?

A) Giving good and bad examples

B) Demonstrating the task in a laboratory or workshop situation

C) Using a variety of instructional methods

D) Using all the other three options

Answer Key:

B) Demonstrating the task in a laboratory or workshop situation

41) Which of the following statements are related to the concept of instruction?

(A) It is a set of events

(B) The teacher designs it

(C) It is internal to the learners

(D) It supports the internal process of learning

A) (A), (B) and (D) Only

B) (A), (B), (C) and (D)

C) (B), (C) and (D) Only

D) (C) and (D) Only

Answer Key:

A) (A), (B) and (D) Only

42) While analysing the curriculum the sequence of analysis followed is ……

A) Mini level, Macro level, Micro-level

B) Macro-level, Meso level, Micro Level

C) Micro-level, Macro level, Meso Level

D) Meso Level, Macro Level, Mini level

Answer Key:

B) Macro-level, Meso level, Micro Level

43) The use of visuals with relevant verbal information in the presentation can remove the communication barrier such as……….

A) referent confusion

B) imperceptions

C) verbalism

D) disinterest

Answer Key:

B) imperceptions

44) To identify individual contributions in group-based assignments, the reliable and valid assessment tool available to the teacher is……

A) Rating scale

B) Checklist

C) Interview

D) Rubrics

Answer Key:

D) Rubrics

45) The purpose of giving an assignment for formative assessment is to……

A) create a sense of competition in students

B) test the student’s performance for including in the final assessment

C) identify the extent of students’ learning and remove the learning gaps.

D) distinguish between good and poor performers

Answer Key:

C) identify the extent of students’ learning and remove the learning gaps.

46) While planning for a classroom session teacher needs to consider………

(A) Current status of the students (pre-requisite knowledge and skills)

(B) Session learning outcomes

(C) Programme outcomes and course outcomes

(D) Psychomotor skills to be developed.

A) (A), (B) and (C) Only

B) (B), (C) and (D) Only

C) (A) and (B) Only

D) (A), (B), (C) and (D)

Answer Key:

C) (A) and (B) Only

47) Which one is NOT a true statement about giving peer feedback on the session plan?

A) It helps to identify the shortcomings.

B) It helps to take corrective actions.

C) It helps to get motivated to do better quality work.

D) It helps to understand that one does not have control over their learning.

Answer Key:

D) It helps to understand that one does not have control over their learning.

48) Sequencing of content and synchronization of theory and practical classes is part of ……

A) instructional planning process

B) student assessment process

C) instruction implementation process

D) organisation process

Answer Key:

A) instructional planning process

49) Given below are two statements:

Statement 1: Rehearsal before carrying out an actual demonstration in the classroom develops self-confidence in teachers.

Statement 2: The teacher can prepare properly for each step of the demonstration.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

Answer Key:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

50) Which of the following is the meaning of forum discussion in a panel discussion?

A) It is a discussion held before the panel discussion to clarify the things among the panelist

B) It is organized after the completion of the discussion by the panelist for the audience to interact with the panelist on the issue

C) It is organized after the panel discussion for students who could not participate in the panel discussion

D) It is a discussion different from a panel discussion

Answer Key:

B) It is organized after the completion of the discussion by the panelist for the audience to interact with the panelist on the issue

51) In a classroom environment, based on previous knowledge and experience, the student …………. The message received from the teacher.

A) analyses

B) assesses

C) extract the meaning out of

D) understands

Answer Key:

C) extract the meaning out of

52) Identify the inappropriate statement related to educational games.

A) Educational games develop a competitive spirit in the students

B) The use of educational games is a costly and time-consuming affair.

C) Educational games inculcate learning to learn skills

D) Educational games create fun in the learning process

Answer Key:

B) The use of educational games is a costly and time-consuming affair.

53) The quadrant which is NOT a part of the Johari window is…….

A) Public

B) Private

C) Perceptive

D) Unknown

Answer Key:

C) Perceptive

54) Students remain normally passive in………

A) project method

B) discovery method

C) inquiry method

D) lecture method

Answer Key:

D) lecture method

55) Select the most appropriate quote……

A) Theory without practice is blind, practice without theory is sterile

B) Theory without practice is sterile, practice without theory is blind

C) The theory is more important than practice

D) Theory and practice are equally important

Answer Key:

B) Theory without practice is sterile, practice without theory is blind

56) FOSSEE i. e. Free/ Libre and Open Source Software for Education is available on the……

A) NPTEL Portal

B) SWAYAM Portal


D) IITBombayX Portal

Answer Key:

A) NPTEL Portal

57) Given below are two statements:

Statement 1: Conceptual knowledge includes knowledge of terms and elements

Statement 2: Conceptual knowledge includes classification, categories, and principles.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

Answer Key:

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

58) Given below are two statements:

Statement 1: Buzz session is used in groups with more than 10 students per group.

Statement 2: Buzz session is a very small group session used in the classroom.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

Answer Key:

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

59) The correct sequence of the 5E Learning Model is …..

A) Engage, Explain, Explore, Elaborate and Evaluate

B) Engage, Exchange, Explore, Elaborate and Evaluate

C) Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate

D) Engage, Educate, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate

Answer Key:

C) Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate

60) The instructional method which permits more active involvement of students in the learning process as compared to the teacher is ……

A) Lecture

B) Demonstration

C) Question Answer

D) Project method

Answer Key:

D) Project method

61) The sequence of instructional events, for an instructional session, was given by ……….

(A) Benjamin S. Bloom

(B) D. R. Krathwohl

(C) B. F. Skinner

(D) Robert M. Gagné

A) (A) and (B)

B) (B) and (D)

C) (A) and (D)

D) (D) only.

Answer Key:

D) (D) only.

62) Given below are two statements:

Statement 1: Strategies for teaching elements of content analysis are decided after curriculum analysis and content analysis.

Statement 2: Detailed content analysis is not needed, and the teacher may plan for sessions based on his/ her experience.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

Answer Key:

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

63) 5E Learning model was developed by ……

A) Rodger W. Bybee

B) Robert Gagne

C) David A Kolb

D) L. Anderson

Answer Key:

A) Rodger W. Bybee

64) MOODLE is an acronym for ………

A) Modern Object-Oriented Digital Learning Environment

B) Multimedia Object-Oriented Digital Learning Environment

C) Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment

D) Multimedia Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment

Answer Key:

C) Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment

65) Instructional time is the total time required for the teaching-learning process which includes the time invested in …

(A) conducting student seminar

(B) managing laboratory session

(C) setting final examination paper

(D) guiding student’s project work

A) (A), (B), (C) and (D)

B) (A), (B) and (D) Only

C) (B), (C) and (D) only

D) (B) and (C) Only

Answer Key:

B) (A), (B) and (D) Only

66) When the mentor provides you with the feedback, you should……

A) defend your action when receiving feedback.

B) assume what the mentor is likely to offer.

C) note down the comments and try to improve your performance.

D) listen to the feedback carefully as it is given only once.

Answer Key:

C) note down the comments and try to improve your performance.

67) Which instructional method will you choose when you want to provide remedial teaching to weak students?

A) Laboratory method

B) Tutorial Method

C) Question-Answer Technique

D) Demonstration Method

Answer Key:

B) Tutorial Method

68) Session planning is carried out based on the…

A) course outcomes and session learning outcomes

B) existing knowledge, previous experience and learning outcomes

C) unit outcomes and session learning outcomes

D) programme outcomes and unit outcomes

Answer Key:

B) existing knowledge, previous experience and learning outcomes

69) Basic concepts and terminologies are covered under the …….

A) metacognitive knowledge

B) conceptual knowledge

C) factual knowledge

D) procedural knowledge

Answer Key:

C) factual knowledge

70) During the session presentation, the teacher, as an effective communicator should NOT focus on …….

A) facial expressions and volume of voice

B) giving a class test at the end of a session.

C) eye and body movement

D) gestures and postures

Answer Key:

B) giving a class test at the end of a session.

71) Given below are two statements:

Statement 1: The lecture method is an example of a deductive approach to teaching

Statement 2: Problem-based learning is an example of an inductive approach to teaching

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

Answer Key:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

72) On entering the class for a session, you noticed that students are not giving any attention to you, and are busy in the discussion, in such a situation you will…

(A) get angry and draw the attention of the concerned students by scolding them.

(B) start narrating about an incident related to the session

(C) throw the pieces of chalk toward the students to gain their attention

(D) show an interesting video on the related content

A) (A), (B), and (C) only

B) (B), (C) and (D) only

C) (B), and (D) only

D) Use (A), (B), (C), and (D) alternatively

Answer Key:

C) (B), and (D) only

73) Video Recording of a session conducted by a teacher in a classroom can be a good source for ……

A) Student’s feedback

B) College Management’s feedback

C) Peer feedback

D) Self-feedback

Answer Key:

D) Self-feedback

74) In the development phase of a session, the three M’s have importance. These are….

A) man, machine and material

B) methods, material and media

C) machine, material and methods

D) machine, material and money

Answer Key:

B) methods, material and media

75) Copyright-free images, audio and video could be downloaded from…..





A) (A), (B), (C) and (D)

B) (B), (C) and (D) only

C) (B) and (C) Only

D) (A), (C) and (D) Only

Answer Key:

B) (B), (C) and (D) only

76) For effective planning of laboratory and industry-based instruction teacher uses …….

A) Events of instruction and cognitivist approach

B) Events of instruction and constructivist approach

C) 5E Learning Model and cognitivist approach

D) 5E Learning Model and constructivist approach

Answer Key:

B) Events of instruction and constructivist approach

77) A teacher-centred instructional strategy is one in which ………

A) The teacher plays the active role more as an information receiver.

B) Control of the teaching-learning session is in the hands of the Learner

C) Control of the teaching-learning session is in the hands of the Teacher

D) The student is more or less autonomous about his/her learning

Answer Key:

C) Control of the teaching-learning session is in the hands of the Teacher

78) Out of the following which can be taken as purposes of a Case method:

(A) to develop higher-order psychomotor skills

(B) to develop analytical and decision-making skills.

(C) develop out-of-the-box thinking skills to solve a problem.

(D) provide an opportunity to solve a real-life problem.

A) (A), (B) and (C)

B) (B) and (C) only

C) (A) and (D) only

D) (B), (C) and (D) only

Answer Key:

D) (B), (C) and (D) only

79) The purposes of giving assignments to the students are…..

(A) Provide drill and practice

(B) Reinforcement of learning

(C) Improve the handwriting quality and skills of students

(D) Recapitulation of the content learned

A) (A), (B) and (D) only

B) (A) and (B) only

C) (B), (C) and (D) only

D) (A) and (D) only

Answer Key:

A) (A), (B) and (D) only

80) Identify from the following, the maxims of learning

A) complex to simple

B) part to whole and whole to part

C) known to unknown and simple to complex

D) concrete to unknown

Answer Key:

C) known to unknown and simple to complex

81) For teaching a class with a large number of students, the most efficient instructional method is……….

A) Demonstration method

B) Lecture method

C) Roleplay method

D) Group discussion method

Answer Key:

B) Lecture method

82) Instructional session plan …..

A) is the outcome of the planning process
B) is a write-up of instructional decisions
C) gives the teacher a clearer understanding of the topic.
D) all the other options are applicable.

Answer Key:
D) all the other options are applicable.

83) Development of concepts up to the age of three years is primarily a ………

A) group learning process

B) discovery learning process

C) experiential learning process

D) reception learning process

Answer Key:

B) discovery learning process

84) The ICT-based supply type question assessment includes…….

A) True and False questions

B) Ordering type questions

C) Computing type questions

D) Structured type questions

Answer Key:

D) Structured type questions

85) Concrete concepts are those concepts which ……….

A) can’t be sensed by our senses of perception

B) can’t be explained in the classroom easily

C) can’t be explained using instructional media

D) can be sensed by our physical senses

Answer Key:

D) can be sensed by our physical senses

86) Which of the following set of statements is to be considered for selecting an instructional method?

(A) Teacher’s socio-economic background

(B) Students’ entry level

(C) Prior subject knowledge of students

(D) Teacher’s contact with students

(E) Instructional Resources available

A) (A), (C) and (D)

B) (C), (D) and (E)

C) (B), (C) and (E)

D) (A), (B) and (E)

Answer Key:

C) (B), (C) and (E)

87) The three major principles of learning are……

A) Principles of motivation, readiness and reinforcement

B) Principles of motivation, exercise and effect

C) Principles of preparation, presentation and evaluation

D) Principles of discussion, activity and feedback

Answer Key:

B) Principles of motivation, exercise and effect

88) Instructional media used by the teacher to explain the curriculum content are known as ………

A) static Media

B) exposition Media

C) dynamic Media

D) inquisition Media

Answer Key:

B) exposition Media

89) Evaluation of quiz can be done…

A) instantly

B) at the end of the course

C) as per the convenience of the teacher

D) by standard evaluation techniques

Answer Key:

A) instantly

90) Given below are two statements:

Statement 1: The basic teaching model provides a relevant conceptualization of developing instructional materials.

Statement 2: The basic teaching model provides a simple but relevant conceptualization of the teaching-learning process.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

Answer Key:

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

91) While using a projector, the keystone effect in the projected image should be removed because it….

A) helps the student to see a rectangular view.

B) reduces the life of the projector lamp

C) facilitates to project of an undistorted image on the screen.

D) may damage the projector

Answer Key:

C) facilitates to project of an undistorted image on the screen.

92) Given below are two statements:

Statement 1: Teacher and student permission are considered for the formation of an informal group.

Statement 2: Course outcomes, availability of resources, and time available are considered for the formation of a formal group of students.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options:

A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct

B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect

C) Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

Answer Key:

D) Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct

93) The purpose of preparing and using a session plan is to develop intended learning outcomes by ………

A) ensuring effective completion of the teaching-learning process.

B) organizing systematically various elements of the teaching-learning process.

C) documenting the teaching-learning process.

D) supervising the teaching session effectively.

Answer Key:

B) organizing systematically various elements of the teaching-learning process.

94) The Assistive Technology (AT) in laptops/ computers includes …….

(A) text to speech software

(B) management information system software

(C) graphic organizers software

(D) speech recognition software

A) (A), (B), (C) and (D)

B) (B), (C) and (D) only

C) (B) and (C) Only

D) (A), (C) and (D) Only

Answer Key:

D) (A), (C) and (D) Only

95) An example of an abstract concept is ……

A) The flow of heat inside an iron rod

B) Vernier calliper

C) Light emitted from an electric bulb

D) Digital theodolite

Answer Key:

A) The flow of heat inside an iron rod

96) Major or capstone project work is………

A) a closed specific task that the students are required to do as guided by the teacher

B) an open-ended experience that requires the integration of skills learned earlier

C) an open-ended task that may have practical work related to one skill

D) a report stating the open-ended problem

Answer Key:

B) an open-ended experience that requires the integration of skills learned earlier

97) Which of the following statement is incorrect about flipped learning?

A) Short video lectures are viewed by students before the classroom session.

B) Classroom time is used for normal lectures and exercises are given as home assignments.

C) Typical lectures and off-the-class elements like homework of a course are reversed.

D) In-class time is utilized for discussions, exercises, and projects.

Answer Key:

B) Classroom time is used for normal lectures and exercises are given as home assignments.

98) Taxonomy table helps in ………

A) Formulating learning outcomes

B) Analysis of learning outcomes

C) Selection of action-oriented verbs for writing learning outcomes

D) Deciding the context for learning outcomes

Answer Key:

B) Analysis of learning outcomes

99) Out of the following, which are the major expected outcomes from a laboratory session of the ‘Engineering Metrology’ course: The student will be able to….

(A) copy the given experiment from the Lab sheet.

(B) clean all the equipment before and after use.

(C) measure all the dimensions of a given component using an appropriate measuring tool.

(D) handle the equipment safely.

A) (A), (B) and (C) only

B) (B) only

C) (C) and (D) only

D) (A) and (D) only

Answer Key:

C) (C) and (D) only

100) While using the media, one of the guidelines that ought to be followed is that ………

A) pictures or diagrams should be preferred wherever possible as compared to real objects.

B) the media should be selected as per availability of time, hardware and specific learning needs.

C) the media need not be always relevant to the learning outcomes.

D) the media can be displayed at any time during the instructional session.

Answer Key:

B) the media should be selected as per availability of time, hardware and specific learning needs.

Module 4 Internal Quizzes

2024 (Batch 9) —– 2023 (Batch 8)

Module 4 Previous Year Questions:


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